To Wellness and the Creative mind

Mom, Artist, Health Coach, daughter, sister and a wife.We all wear many hats during the day. How do we maintain balance? How do we not lose sight of what is important and real? We can help each other answer these questions by sharing what we have learned along the way.
Here I am going to share my thoughts and experiences with how we treat our bodies and the effects it has on how we think and feel.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

More confessions

Day 28-
Good Morning. We keep sleeping in till 9am so I am missing the lake when it looks like glass. I think we are still recovering from the changes of the last month. Everyone wakes looking refreshed and ready for another day of activity. Later this afternoon we are heading back to MA so the boys can check on all their pets and play with their Lego’s before going back to Dad’s on Monday.
I need to meet the caterer at the venue to talk food, one of my favorite topics.
I use to think being healthy was about going to the gym. I new it was important to eat healthy but I was not clear on what that meant and how food feeds the body. I am now a firm believer that eating the right foods protects the body. Sorry folks, I will not be serving cheese and crackers at the wedding, but I will be serving freshly made gazpacho.
Summer is a great time to add new fruits and vegetables to ones diet. A pint of cherry tomatoes will keep you feeling full much longer then a serving of Doritos because the vegetables are providing nutrition; the other actually stimulates your appetite. I am also back to starting my days with eggs and I am feeling energized. When I was skipping breakfast or eating cereal I would get twitchy. I don’t know how else to describe it. My body would twitch. So I am back to a protein breakfast.  
Learn more about eggs here,

Day 27- Sundays we go to church. In the summers past it is something that we stopped doing in the summer but I miss it. It is too important and helps keep me grounded and on track so this summer we will be going. Wellness is mind, body and soul. Todays sermon was from Revelations and facing judgment. When I came to Christ I came to the understanding that we are all sinners no matter how hard we try not to be, but God loves us anyway. The questions comes when one starts wondering what to do about it. Live in the light. 
Today ended with sadness. I went to a funeral. Someones child died, someones sister, someones friend. I did not know her but I do know those that remain. Roman 12:15 tells us to "mourn with those that mourn." Then I came home and hugged my children and kissed their cheeks. Tomorrow they go to their dads. 

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