To Wellness and the Creative mind

Mom, Artist, Health Coach, daughter, sister and a wife.We all wear many hats during the day. How do we maintain balance? How do we not lose sight of what is important and real? We can help each other answer these questions by sharing what we have learned along the way.
Here I am going to share my thoughts and experiences with how we treat our bodies and the effects it has on how we think and feel.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 16th - 20 days to go

All I wanted last night was a good night sleep. What I got was one puking dog at 1, 2 and 3 am. My other dog, who is wearing the "cone of shame" spent the night banging into door frames as she wondered the house looking for a bed to crawl under. I have already been through years of sleep deprivation and now I like my sleep. I love sleep, 8 hours a night. But I am also a night owl. I have been skipping TV and reading before bed, turning out the light by 10:30 for the last 12 days and feeling much better when morning roles around. This morning came too early. I would have likes to wake early, make a kale, cucumber and pineapple smoothy and stretch but instead, at 6:50am the lumber truck roared up the driveway waking me. Construction is now underway. 
Why is sleep so important?
I will now do my stretching and then take a trip to the vet. If your dogs paws start to smell, check for infection. I am not sure what is going on with Cookies paw but what I thought was a hot spot is now bleeding and smelly.

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