To Wellness and the Creative mind

Mom, Artist, Health Coach, daughter, sister and a wife.We all wear many hats during the day. How do we maintain balance? How do we not lose sight of what is important and real? We can help each other answer these questions by sharing what we have learned along the way.
Here I am going to share my thoughts and experiences with how we treat our bodies and the effects it has on how we think and feel.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Den 16- Photo Hike

We had a great hike, well really it was six boys on a dirt road with sticks in the sunshine, but who's counting? Nelson Island was blocked by water so we headed up the road into the woods.
Each boy was given a turn with the camera and had to take five pictures, a landscape, a portrait, a close up and then two of their choice. Here is what they came up with:






(The last photo was taken on my phone)
Please ask your boys which is which. They were proud of their photos and I truly enjoyed helping and watching their thought process.

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