To Wellness and the Creative mind

Mom, Artist, Health Coach, daughter, sister and a wife.We all wear many hats during the day. How do we maintain balance? How do we not lose sight of what is important and real? We can help each other answer these questions by sharing what we have learned along the way.
Here I am going to share my thoughts and experiences with how we treat our bodies and the effects it has on how we think and feel.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Floors done, Wall not.

The quandary of the unfinished project...I would like to claim that I have so many ideas that I have to keep moving forward and start new projects but perhaps I am avoiding completion. When something is "finished" it is ready for criticism. If you see a painting before it is done or eat cookie dough when it is simply eggs and sugar, you are not getting the whole story, it can't be judged.
So this attempt at a blog post is the perfect example of what I am trying to discuss...I started it a week ago and then stopped after the first few sentences. Why? Maybe one of the dogs needed to go outside. Maybe my boys were fighting over who is the rightful owner of a Lego guy. Right now my breakfast is sitting half eaten on the kitchen counter because I remembered that I never put the load of jeans in the dryer...which brought my thoughts back to an unfinished Blob Post. So the cycle continues, my life keeps getting in the way. I am going to go finish my breakfast and coffee and then, as I say to my kids, I will be back in "just a minute".
I am back, it was three minutes, but here is my issue. I have a laundry list of unfinished tasks and projects in my house and in my studio. I continually add to the list at a much faster rate then I cross things off. For year I blame having babies in the house but now my kids are at school from 8-3 and gone every other weekend so now I can only blame myself? Yes, things come up and I have other responsibilities that bump my fun stuff to the side but what is the difficulty in being done?
I have to go walk the dogs...
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Friday, March 4, 2011

Red Bull

I have spent most of my day obsessing over Red Bull and honestly I wish I wasn't but for some reason it has wrapped itself around my head and won't let go. The only time I have had a Red Bull was after finishing a Triathlon, this is what they are for, an energy drink...and well I ended up doubled over, taking long slow breaths trying to keep from vomiting. So not a fan to start, so what is the obsession?
I try to eat healthy, and feed my kids well. I am trying to teach them to make good choices about what they put in their bodies. We won't go to the beach without slathering on the sun screen. We strap everyone down with car seats and seat belts. I even wore a helmet skiing this year. All of this is done to protect us and hopefully we get to live a long, healthy life, but then with out much thought we fill our bodies with too much sugar, fat and preservatives. Yes, I have been called a "food nazi", it is one of the things I am passionate about.
 I have a theory, "Junk in, Junk out". Red Bull is chemicals plus water, sugar and caffeine. If you take out the sugar, add aspartame. So is it any different then a diet coke or mountain due? Not really, yet it is advertised as an "energy drink". So maybe that is what is bothering me...the advertising. It is a masterfully marketed item directed at kids. I ask, Who wouldn't want wings? Red Bull sponsors, base jumpers, bmx riders, racecar drivers, freestyle boarders and what is a "wingsuit pilot". This is every boys dream. (Young girls got stuck with Twilight, and yes, I read 3 out of 4). Is there a benefit to drinking Red Bull?  Besides the headaches, increased heart rate and eventual crash. Is it any different then coffee? Coffee is natural, so yes, but even that is consumed for its caffeine. I ordered coffee at a new place yesterday and watched as four scoops of sugar went into the cup. I had to stop her and ask for one scoop only.
So what is my point? I wish I could eat anything I want and not feel guilty. I wish when I drank that Diet Coke today, first one in weeks, it hadn't made me feel ill. I wish I had tried the "reverse boston cream pie" doughnut, but I didn't. Instead I am going to make a flour less chocolate cake from scratch with my daughter. I wish I could block the advertisers on TV...I could go on, but I can smell cake.
Feel free to call me names because I do drink red wine, I do eat chocolate and I do drink coffee for the caffeine all of which have been known to have ill effects.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

maybe tonight?

So I did not get to watch my movie. I did reach out to someone, gave some forgiveness and received some in return. Makes for a better day then a movie.